How to Make a Dollhouse

by Emma Jeffery

A dollhouse will provide hours of imagination and creativity and doesn't need to be a big investment. We've created some instructions to easily make a dollhouse at home!

How to Make a Dollhouse

1. To make the structure of your dollhouse, open up a tri-fold poster board and measure the width and height. The sides of the tri-fold poster board will serve as the walls of the house.

2. Use the 8" Amplify® Mixed Media Shears to cut sections of poster board to form the bottom floor, first floor and attic floor. Use a hot glue gun to glue these sections in place. You can also cut pieces of wood veneer to make a wooden floor effect. Cut the wood veneer to size and adhere it to the cut poster board pieces before gluing the floor into position in the dollhouse.

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3. Cut two pieces of poster board for the roof slants and glue in place. Use the large Tag Thick Materials Shape Punch to cut multiple shapes from wood veneer for the roof shingles. Glue each shingle to the poster board roof, offsetting the alignment of each tile with the previous row. If you find you need half tiles, simply turn the punch upside down and visually align the wood veneer so that it cuts only half a shape.

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4. Use the medium Tag Thick Materials Shape Punch to complete the top line of the roof in a decorative manner. Using a contrasting color wood creates a nice effect.

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5. Measure the triangle shape created between the roof slants and the attic floor, and cut a piece of poster board to fill this space. Cover the poster board with decorative gift wrap before gluing it to the back of the dollhouse to complete the back wall.

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6. Cut pieces of poster board to create internal walls and doorways within the house and use your imagination to decorate the interior using gift wrap and accessories.

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7. Next, cut a cork piece to size using the 8" Amplify® Mixed Media Shears to create a floor for the bathroom. Create a bathroom mirror by cutting a piece of mirror sheet with the large Circle Thick Materials Shape Punch, and adhere to the bathroom wall.

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8. To finish the DIY dollhouse, create a welcome banner using the tag punch, and hang across the opening to welcome the new residents.

This creative, DIY project will provide great entertainment for kids! Surprise them with the finished house or have them help customize the wallpaper, flooring and décor for each room.