Find the Perfect Axe for Your Home

by Chris Lambton

Finding the perfect axe to clean up your home and come away with some firewood just got easier. Learn the benefits and the reasons to have both a splitting and a chopping axe on hand.

Showing Splitting and Chopping Axes

Throughout the spring and summer, I stack fallen trees and large limbs in the corner of the yard to season and wait for cooler days to split them.

The fall is the perfect time to start thinking about the coming colder months. I love having fires going both indoors and out. Sitting around an outdoor fire pit is a great way to extend the outdoor entertaining season, and indoors, it delays the need to turn on the heat!

There is nothing worse than running out of wood in the middle of the winter and having to pay top dollar for more. The great thing about splitting wood is that it warms you three times; once splitting, once stacking and once burning. Using the right type of axe will ensure safety and will keep this activity fun instead of dangerous.

Using a Chopping Axe

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If you don't have fallen trees in your yard, you can begin by chopping down some scrub trees or any limbs that need to be trimmed. A Fiskars® Chopping Axe is perfect for this task. It chops deeper with each chop and the hardened steel blade stays sharper longer, which means your woodpile will fill up quickly. The chopping axe is also safer for the job with its non-slip grip for improved control and inseparable insert-molded head that prevents breakage due to overstrikes.

Using the Splitting Axe

Now that you have enough trees and limbs in the woodpile it is time to get to splitting the wood. When choosing an axe, it is important to get one that is the right size for your body. As a taller person, I choose a longer axe frame. Fiskars® super splitting axe in 36” is designed for taller users and perfect for me.

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I love using the super splitting axe. It is a larger, heavier axe that gives you more efficiency, which means more one-strike splits. The more one-strike splits, the less time it takes to split enough wood for the coming winter. It is virtually unbreakable. Unlike most axes when you overstrike, there isn't a chance of the shaft breaking which can be both dangerous and costly.

Using the Hatchet

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Once you have the wood stacked and ready to go, you will need a pile of kindling as well. This is the job for a Fiskars® Hatchet. It is lightweight, easy to use, and has all the chopping power of its larger cousins. All that is left to do is just stack my firewood and kindling for the coming winter.

Not only have I cleared out overgrown and dead trees by felling them, but I have stockpiled my split wood supply and am ready for the outdoor and indoor fire season. It's your turn to add these powerful and effective tools for your wood preparing activities.