How to Build a Dry Well for Downspouts

by Chris Lambton

With spring comes the rain, which is essential for your yard and garden, but can unfortunately cause damage to your house. Spring is a great time to make sure that water is diverted away from your house and downspouts to avoid buildup, causing mold or rot, which will be a costly project to repair.

How to Build a Dry Well for Downspouts

One DIY fix is to build a drywell for your downspouts. This ensures that the water is directed away from your house and basement.

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You can purchase an attachment that is a 90-degree angle fitting to fasten to your downspout and to a 5" pipe. Run the pipe underground at a slight pitch so the water runs away from the house to a drywell.

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To excavate the trench for the pipe, there is no better tool for the job than the IsoCore® 5lb Pick. The pick works well in all types of soil, and it is great for breaking up rocky, hardened surfaces with the sharp, pointed end. The pick can also be used as a hoe when digging through the tough soil. The pick absorbs the shock and vibration from all the rock and soil you encounter, ensuring that you will not endure the pain in your body.

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After the trench is dug, being to dig the dry well. The dry well is a large hole in the ground that you backfill with rock, old brick, and stone. Using your Long Handled Steel Digging Shovel, dig a 3' x 3' x 3' hole. With this sturdy shovel, you will be able to easily pry up a rock or root, and the sharpened blade can penetrate all types of tough soil or clay in your yard.

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Lay the pipe in the trench, backfill the trench with your Steel D-handle Ergo Transfer Shovel, and rake smooth. The pipe should end in the middle of your drywell. Fill the excavated space with rock to about 6" from the top and the rest with soil. Now you are ready for the rain and can have some peace of mind knowing your house will stay dry and mold free.